How Much Does a Gerda Door Cost?

How Much Does a Gerda Door Cost?

How Much Does a Gerda Door Cost?

Pioneer proudly distributes Gerda’s residential door range exclusively in the UK. We have four types of Gerda doors and in-house hardware that we offer, and the price of each door will depend on how secure and optimal its features are. Let’s have a look through them

The first door type is the OPTIMA Series, which is significantly secure. Not all entry doors perform anti-burglary testing better than Gerda’s OPTIMA Series. With a variety of distinctive innovations, they can keep your house safe from worst-case scenarios such as burglary and weather destruction.

The OPTIMA Series from Gerda will never warp, in contrast to uPVC and composite doors made with timber cores. The steel and aluminium alloy will keep their shape even in the most extreme circumstances.

The residential door range from Gerda is comprised of only the highest-calibre entrance doors, composed of cutting-edge engineering and inventiveness ranging from expertly crafted hardware to the use of recycled materials.

To ensure extra insulation, their thermal rating is 1 point – 1 point 3 W / m2K, fostering effective insulation and reduction of heat loss.

Next in line is the THERMO PREMIUM Series. When these doors are installed in your home, you can rest assured you’re in safe hands. They can achieve anti-burglary class RC3 and are safe and resistant to contemporary break-in techniques.

Another pricing point is that these doors don’t get ruined over time. Gerda entry doors never warp, unlike uPVC and composite doors.

The weather won’t damage or rot these doors as they are made of a combination of steel and aluminium. They are intricately made and expertly engineered with precision to offer the homeowner a truly innovative product using recycled materials are combined with hardware made by Gerda. With a thermal rating of 1.1W/m2K – 0.8W, they offer strong insulation and protection from the external environment, which contributes to their elevated price.

The THERMO PRIME Series has security as its watchword. Thanks to a variety of strong innovations, they pass the RC3 anti-burglary test. To give people peace of mind, they maintain safe homes.

They won’t warp, able to maintain their shape for many years to come, unlike composite doors which may bow or distort with time.

They possess outstanding engineering, with carefully manufactured hardware and other advanced innovations. They are resistant to burglary and pass the RC3 test, and have a thermal rating of
0.79-0.9 W/ m2K, making it slightly less expensive than our OPTIMA Series.

Passing the RC3 anti-burglary test, security is achieved by the ATLUS Series of entrance doors. For homeowners, this makes them extremely secure. As soon as you put Gerda’s doors in place, they can rest easy. They resist warping, and because they’re made completely of metal, they withstand their framework over time.

The pricing reflects the built-in effective engineering, with a strong resistance towards burglaries. Its thermal rating of 0.74–0.81 W/m2K ensures the insulation and soundproofing of your home.

Doors are not measured with additional side or top panels. Complete doors over 2200mm are only offered in a few colours and are not weather- and security-tested.


Gerda door prices are heavily reflected by the materials they are composed of and how secure their features are. Ultimately, you should focus on purchasing the one that addresses your particular security criteria. It’s good to remember that all Gerda doors offer better performance metrics than composite doors at a comparable price point. As such, we believe that these entrance doors represent the future of entranceways with U-values as low as 0.79 W/m2K and similarly excellent security standards.

Interested in becoming Pioneer’s trading partner? In doing so, you are partnering with exclusive distributors of Gerda’s selection of residential doors in the UK. Installers who are interested in joining our Essex team as a trade partner should do so today!

Contact us to discuss trading with us if you’re interested in installing the ALTUS Series entrance door in your service area.

To find the closest registered installer for any of Gerda’s four residential door series, you can run our online tool available on our website!

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